
Government, Media, and Liberal Activists Caused Vaccine Hesitancy

Whether you are for or against the vaccine, this article isn’t about its effectiveness versus ineffectiveness. I’m not even here to tell you whether or not you should get the vaccine. That’s your choice. I am here to tell you that heavy-handed government, one-sided media coverage, and liberal elitists are likely the major reason people […]


Increase in Crime a Pandemic of the Unarmed

The F.B.I. says that crime increased rapidly in 2020. It doesn’t help that extremists in the Democrat Party are pushing for the defunding of police or disbanding police departments altogether. Much of the crime increase came in Democrat-controlled cities where the “defund the police” mantra was prevalent. However, we must look at the real problem, […]


Little Should Tell Biden Not to Come to Idaho, Use 10th Amendment to Protect Idahoans

President Joe Biden made one of the most dictatorial speeches ever by an American President on September 9th. Just days before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a time when Americans of all walks of life stood together, Biden just divided our country even more than it already has been in recent months. Threatening private companies […]