
CP-Idaho Opposes HB 167 (Dangerous Trespass Bill)

The Constitution Party of Idaho is opposed to HB 167, known as the Critical Infrastructure Trespass Bill. HB 167 was introduced by Rep. Britt Raybould (R-Rexburg). The bill has already cleared the House Judiciary, Rules, and Administration Committee by a vote of 9-8. It is currently waiting for a vote on the House floor which […]


Increase in Crime a Pandemic of the Unarmed

The F.B.I. says that crime increased rapidly in 2020. It doesn’t help that extremists in the Democrat Party are pushing for the defunding of police or disbanding police departments altogether. Much of the crime increase came in Democrat-controlled cities where the “defund the police” mantra was prevalent. However, we must look at the real problem, […]


Australia: Exhibit A on Not Giving Up Your Guns

For years now, the gun control crowd has pointed to the country of Australia as a bastion of why gun control is so fantastic. Australians by and large gave up their firearms after a mass shooting in 1996, which led to the deaths of 35 individuals and wounded 23 others. Shortly after the incident, Australia’s […]